The International Solar Energy Society (ISES), the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (IEA SHC) and the Solar Energy Research Center (SERC-Chile) are pleased to invite you to the ISES Solar World Congress 2019 (SWC 2019), to be held together with the SHC 2019 Conference. This event will take place in Santiago, Chile from November 4 to 7, 2019.
The conference organizers are committed to making this a unique event for those working in the Government, Industrial, Educational and Academic sectors the opportunity to network, learn and share with others in their profession and those working in parallel fields in Chile, Latin America and the rest of the world.
SWC 2019 / SHC 2019 will include a diverse selection of presentations, forums, policy discussions and business exhibits open for all participants.
We know, and every day more people are acknowledging that humanity must make the transition to 100% renewable energy in this century. And the latest reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show that this transition must take place much sooner than previously thought to prevent grave human health and environmental damage.
We know that solar energy is the most abundant energy source available for humanity. The fact that Chile also has probably the best solar resource available worldwide has been known for over a century. Today, solar energy will be a key source for economic development of Chile and the region.
Join us for this landmark event. We are organizing many parallel activities as well as a post Congress Technical Tour to visit landmark solar facilities in Northern Chile.
This conference will give you a chance to present your work, participate in Workshops and Forums and meet researchers, developers and industry and government actors and send you home inspired and motivated to continue moving the world towards 100% renewable energy.
The themes and recommended topics for abstract submission can be found here.
Author Instructions
All submitted abstracts must represent original work. Authors can select their preference to present their papers in oral or poster sessions.
Acceptance of papers for oral or poster presentation will be based on submitted abstracts. All full papers presented at the congress will be peer-reviewed for publication in the proceedings, which will be published in the ISES Conference Proceedings Database, a publicly accessible and searchable online database. All papers accepted for publication by ISES will be assigned an individual DOI and be published by ISES under the title “ISES Solar World Congress 2019 Proceedings together with the IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry”.
Authors submitting abstracts for posters should be aware that there will be formal poster sessions at the joint conference. During these sessions, authors should stand by their poster to present their work and respond to individual questions and comments by the session attendees.
All abstracts and papers must be submitted electronically through the SWC 2019 website. Instructions on how to sign into the website to submit abstracts will be available on this page.
By submitting an abstract, the authors understand that, if selected, one or more of the authors will personally present the paper at the congress and that such authors must register and pay the registration fee by the author registration deadline, 31 August 2019. Failure to do so will result in exclusion from the final Congress program and the proceedings.
All abstracts and full papers must be submitted in English.
Abstracts must not exceed 3 A4 pages in total. Authors must use the extended abstract template for all submitted abstracts, which can be found here.
- Online Abstract submission system