Solar Heating and Cooling Technologies
Solar thermal collectors, low to medium thermal storage, performance measurement, durability and reliability, solar and heat pump systems, PVT systems, testing, standards and certification for solar thermal systems, solar ponds and any other topic related to SHC technologies.
Solar Heating and Cooling Applications
Domestic solar water heating, solar space heating and hybrid applications, district heating, solar heat for industrial and agricultural processes, and any other topic related to the application of SHC technologies. Please note that all paper submitted under the topic Solar Air Conditioning and Refrigeration will be reviewed for the 9th International Conference on Solar Air Conditioning. The SAC 2019 is taking place as part of the Solar World Congress 2019 and all accepted and presented papers will be published as part of the SWC 2019 Proceedings
Solar and Renewable Electricity
This theme covers all topics related to electricity from renewable sources, including utility scale, off-grid and rooftop PV, PV components and materials, concentrating PV, concentrating solar power technologies and applications, electricity from other renewables, such as wind, hydropower, bioenergy, wave and tidal energy, and geothermal, and micropower systems. Renewable electricity generation for electric vehicles is also covered under this theme.
Energy Storage for Heat and Electricity
This theme will cover all topics related to energy storage from electricity storage such as batteries (including electric vehicle second-life batteries), and pumped hydro, to low, medium and high temperature thermal storage and hydrogen.
Solar Energy Markets and Policies
This theme will cover topics such as the economics of energy (both heat and electricity), market updates, policies, business models and digitalization. Markets and policies for electric vehicle charging with renewable electricity also fits here, although it might not necessarily need to be explicitly described here.
Energy Systems and Sector Coupling
Under this theme papers covering all aspects of energy systems and sector coupling are welcomed. This includes system integration and distribution, renewable energy portfolio simulation, grid integration of variable renewable heat and electric energy and storage systems, electric vehicle energy management and grid integration, other renewable mobility, active demand-side management, smart grid systems and strategies, as well as system modeling.
Off-Grid & Rural Energy Access
This theme covers off-grid energy supply, community micro-power and hybrid systems, solar cooking and clean cook stoves and any other topic related to off-grid and rural energy access strategies.
Solar Architecture
This theme covers the built environment, from integrating renewable technologies into buildings, sustainable building materials and components, net zero energy buildings, daylighting and other passive solar energy strategies, as well as energy storage in buildings and neighborhood energy planning.
Solar Resource Assessment and Energy Meteorology
This theme covers resource assessment and applications, forecasting, measurement and instrumentation for solar resource forecasting.
Education and Training – 13th International Symposium on Renewable Energy Education (ISREE 2019)
The aim of ISREE, which takes place within the SWC 2019 is to explore the latest developments and new initiatives in renewable energy education worldwide and to discuss the best ways to train future leaders in renewable energy and prepare citizens for work and life in a healthy environment. It also aims to encourage schools, universities, and research centres to collaborate in educating and training high-skilled professionals in renewable energy.
Clean Water Technologies
Under this special theme processes and technologies for the treatment of water using solar and renewable energy will be covered, this includes water desalination and detoxification, as well as waste water treatment.
Special Themes: Renewable Energy Cities, Renewable Energy for Mobility, Community Power Programs, Sustainable Practices in the Mining Industry and History of Solar Energy
Papers submitted under these special themes may be organized into Forums, in which the authors will serve as panelists. Please see the instructions for authors about Forums for more information. Papers submitted, accepted and presented under these special themes will be published in the proceedings as the papers presented under other topics.