Everything you always wanted to know about Solar, but were afraid to ask.

Junior staff meet senior scientists: Solar-Speed-Dating at SWC 2019
The SWC/SHC 2019 is pleased to be offering a new special session for students and emerging professionals in solar energy. During this “Solar-Speed-Dating” Event, leading international experts will discuss with young scientists/professionals in small groups different developments in technology and business. There will be no prepared program, you can discuss any topic and ask any questions you ever wanted to direct to an international expert. After 20 min you will move to another table, another subject, another group, another expert. The target group is (PhD) students, young professionals, and all participants up to an age of 35.
Space is limited and pre-registration is mandatory. Please register for the SHC 2019 or SWC 2019 to register for this event. If you already registered please contact [email protected].
See here an overvierw of the topics that will be discussed:
- Resource Assessment (Measurement, Forecast, Applications)
- SHC Technologies (Testing, Heat Pumps, …)
- SHC Applications (SDHW, District Heating, Industrial Processes, …)
- Thermal Storage (High Temperature, PCM, TCM, …)
- PV-Thermal Collector (Technology, Systems)
- Photovoltaic (Cells, Systems)
- Concentrating Solar Power
- Grid Integration and Sector Coupling
- Renewable Energy Cities and Urban Community Power
- Rural Energy Access (incl. Off—Grid)
- Solar Architecture (incl. Building Integration, Net Zero Energy Buildings)
- Markets and Policies