Thank you to all the participants from 48 countries for a great Conference!!

SWC / SHC 2019 Attendees - View the rest of the conference photos here.
- Conference Photos
The Conference photos are now online! You are welcome to use any that you need. Download button on lower right when viewing an image.
- Download Area
Registered participants can now access the Download Area including a list of participants and all accepted abstracts.
- bestgfe
Read the Proclamation
The Proclamation of the International Solar Energy Society Solar World Congress 2019 held together with the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, is now available online here. Please read and share the proclamation. Thank you to all our speakers, partners, sponsors and participants for making this event a success.
Opening Ceremony of the SWC/SHC 2019 - Welcome Participants from 48 countries!

Welcome Reception at the SWC/SHC 2019
International Conference on Solar Air Conditioning 2019
The 9th Edition of the International Conference on Solar Air Conditioning will take place within the framework of the ISES Solar World Congress 2019. More information will be available here shortly.